Luis Diaz’s kidnapped dad ‘rescued after shootout with two dead’ & mum also safe

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    Luis Diaz's father has reportedly been rescued from after a shootout which has left two people dead.

    Luis Manuel Diaz after Cilenis Marulanda were both kidnapped on October 29 in Barrancas, La Guajira. The Liverpool forward's mother was recently freed after a police and army blockade managed to find the kidnappers.

    The search had continued to find Diaz Sr, who was not with Marulanda when she was freed. However, reports understand Diaz's father has been found after a huge shootout took place.

    Local reports from the La Guajira region understand Diaz Sr was freed after a police rescue mission resulted in the deaths of two of the four kidnappers. It's believed the kidnappers were on their way to Colombia's border with Venezuela, where they may have been intending on smuggling him into the country.

    Their release should mark the end of a terrifying saga for the Liverpool forward's family. The couple were believed to be taken when the unidentified armed motorcyclists managed to track down the truck both were inside, before intercepting and boarding it, moments before they were taken away.

    When a police blockade helped find Marulanda, Director of police General William Salamanca said: “We are pleased that you are free again, madam,” he said. “I congratulate them [the authorities] for the reaction of all the police officers dedicated to the cause.”

    While local media understand he has been found, there is yet to be any official confirmation from any local authorities. A man who described himself as the best friend of Diaz senior told a Colombian radio station: "“It was 5.30pm local time on Saturday. They had filled up with petrol and then went to a neighbourhood nearby to collect something from a relative of Celinis. There the captors arrived, four men on motorbikes.

    “They threatened them with weapons, made them get into the same vehicle and sped off with the other two on a motorbike tailing them. They headed for a rural area. The authorities were informed and there was a chase.”

    More to follow.

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