Video on Leicester helicopter’s final moments shows how fatal crash happened

A newly-released animated video shows the terrifying way in which Leicester City chairman Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha died in a helicopter crash.

Srivaddhanaprabha was among the five people on board a helicopter which took off from the King Power Stadium for London Stansted in 2018. The helicopter spun around five times in 14 seconds before plummeting from 430ft in the air over a busy public car park.

An official report from the Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) has now ruled that four of the five on board survived the initial impact. But the remaining four passengers all died while trying to escape the vehicle, which became engulfed in flames due to a significant fuel leak.

The animation released by the AAIB alongside the report has detailed the incident, showing how the pilot’s pedals became disconnected from the tail rotor of the Leonardo AW169.

READ MORE: Chilling last words of Leicester helicopter pilot before crashing and killing owner

That was due to a bearing in the tail rotor breaking up after its ceramic balls slid instead of rolled after a build-up of pressure.

The mock-up displays the helicopter taking off from the Leicester City pitch before showing the Actuator Control Shift becoming disconnected from the Pivoting Lever Mechanism.

That led to the aircraft bearing to the right before being sent into a violent spin and crashing into the nearby car park, despite the heroic actions of the pilot who did everything he could to prevent the tragedy.

The tragedies on board were Srivaddhanaprabha, employees Nursara Suknamai and Kaveporn Punpare, pilot Eric Swaffer, and his partner and fellow professional pilot Izabela Roza Lechowicz.

Leicester have since released a statement alongside the AAIB’s findings. It read: “We commend the extensive and detailed body of work undertaken by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch and welcome the publication of its report, in the hope it will contribute positively to the continued development of future aviation standards and safety.

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“The tragic events of 27 October, 2018, will forever be etched into the memory of the Leicester City family. It was a night we experienced the devastating loss of our beloved chairman, friends, colleagues, and family members. Yet, in our grief, a sense of unity and strength was forged.

"The extraordinary support and kindness that was extended to those affected, by communities across Leicestershire, football and the wider world will never be forgotten.

"As we near the fifth anniversary of the accident, the families and loved ones of Khun Vichai, Kaveporn, Nusara, Eric and Izabela remain always in our thoughts, as those we lost remain always in our hearts.

“As a club, we continue to feel the loss of Khun Vichai, who loved his club, the city it calls home and the communities it represents.

"Our ongoing commitment to Khun Vichai’s vision, led with the same passion and devotion by Khun Aiyawatt and the Srivaddhanaprabha family, will be our lasting tribute to the memory of those we lost, and a reflection of the ambition, dedication and sense of community that brought us all together under Khun Vichai’s leadership.”

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